One for the Road In England, condemned prisoners were taken from London city gaols to Tyburn Hill for execution. En route, along what is today’s Oxford Street, the cart they travelled in stopped at a country inn and prisoners were allowed one final drink. The ‘one’ they were drinking was ‘for the road’ to death. Created for the Book of Discovery by Steve Younger

To remove surface scratches on timber furniture, rub a walnut on the blemish. Created for the Book of Discovery by Steve Younger

Steven Bradbury won the men’s short track 1,000 metre event at the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympic Games after all of his opponents were involved in a last corner pile-up. He was well behind the pack which meant he was able to avoid the crash, resulting in him being the last one standing. Created for the Book of Triumph by Steve Younger

McDonalds has turned business triumph into community triumph. Set up in the memory of the company’s founder, Ray Kroc, Ronald McDonald House Charities provides a range of support to seriously ill children and their families when they need it most. Created for the Book of Triumph by Steve Younger

Honeymoon According to tradition, a wedding couple was compelled to drink a fermented honeyed beverage for about one month after the wedding -- from the time of one full moon until the next -- for fertility and luck. This month of drinking and festivity was dubbed the ‘honeymoon’. Created for the Book of Discovery by Matt Studdert

There was a time when Nike was just another shoe company. In 1983, it had revenues of less than $1 million. In 1984, Nike signed Michael Jordan. Created for the Book of Triumph by Steve Younger

1881: New York banker and real estate professional, George D. Dayton, decided that Minneapolis offered the strongest opportunities for business growth. He purchased land, and in 1902, formed the Dayton Dry Goods Company – today, known as Target Corporation. His store soon became known for dependable merchandise, fair business practices and a generous spirit of giving. Very early in the company’s history, they started donating a percentage of their profits to charity. This practice still continues today. Created for the Book of Triumph by Matt Studdert

Ostriches and Zebras are an unusual pair, brought together in a mutual friendship based around survival. Zebras are blessed with a strong sense of smell and hearing, while their eyesight often fails them. Conversely, Ostriches are known for their strong eyesight, and unfortunately poor sense of hearing and smell. Alone, they are vulnerable to attack, but together Ostriches and Zebras can avoid their predators by relying on each other’s senses. Created for the Book of Partnerships by Steve Younger

Cover Illustration for the Book of Partnerships by Steve Younger

Daft Punk are one of the most revolutionary double-acts in modern music. They’ve won six Grammys, and worked with everyone from Kanye West to GAP Clothing and Disney. They’re world famous, and almost no one knows what they look like. Created for the Book of Partnerships by Steve Younger

A Valentines Day poll voted Johnny Cash’s 1994 letter to his wife June Carter-Cash as the most romantic love letter of all time. Created for the Book of Partnerships by Steve Younger

According to food chemists, Parmesan and chocolate are a perfect combination. The salty, savoury flavour of the Parmesan pairs perfectly with the rich dark chocolate, which is said to bring out the fruitier notes in the cheese. Created for the Book of Partnerships by Gemma Wicham
We all took very different career paths to get to where we are now, and together we represent journeys that include fine art, street art, printing, packaging, retouching and typography. So when we get the chance to answer a brief with Illustration, we respond with gusto. This is a curated sample of illustrations created for the last 3 of our self-published annuals: The Book of Discovery (2013), The Book of Triumph (2014) and The Book of Partnerships (2015).
Creative Director – Jack Perlinski
Art Director – Stephen Younger
Senior Creative Designer – Matt Studdert
Creative Designer – Gemma Wicham
Finished Artist – Craig Skipworth
© DAIS 2015. All rights reserved.
We are always open to meeting new talent and if you would like to be part of a team who embraces fresh thinking to create success, then send us your brand story via career@dais.com.au
Finished Artist – Craig Skipworth
© DAIS 2015. All rights reserved.
We are always open to meeting new talent and if you would like to be part of a team who embraces fresh thinking to create success, then send us your brand story via career@dais.com.au